November 18, 2017

10 Must-Read Books For Entrepreneurs

10 must-read books for entrepreneurs
by Deanna deBara

 When you’re just starting out with your business, you need the right mentors. And some of the best in the market come on pages in between two covers. 

Here are 10 must-read books for entrepreneurs:  

8:30am: Alarm goes off.
8:31am: Hit snooze.
8:40am: Hit snooze again.
8:49am: Hit snooze one more time.
8:58am: Slap alarm and jump out of bed.
8:59am: Turn on computer.
9am: Start working.

Does this look familiar?
If so, we’ve got news for you. The business you’re starting? It’s not going to be as successful as it could be because one of the keys to setting your business up for success is setting your day up for success. In The Miracle Morning, entrepreneur Hal Elrod shows you why starting your day with purpose can transform not only your day, but your business, too.
Elrod used his morning blueprint S.A.V.E.R.S. (silence, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading, and scribing) to completely transform his life. He pulled his business out of near bankruptcy, paid off almost a half a million dollars of debt and became one of the most sought after business consultants in the world.
This book is great if…You want to create more structure in your life and in your business—and reap the rewards as a result.

There’s an idea floating around that vulnerability is a weakness. But Daring Greatly challenges that idea and argues that actually, being vulnerable and allowing your whole self to be seen—flaws and all—is the key to happiness, fulfillment and (you guessed it) career success.
In this exploration of vulnerability, author, researcher and public speaker Brene Brown (who has been studying shame and vulnerability for nearly two decades) walks readers through vulnerability.
Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness. – Brene Brown 
She explores what it is, why it makes us so uncomfortable and how to use it to propel all areas of our lives—including our careers. This book is a must-read for all new entrepreneurs. When you’re starting a business, you might be tempted to put on an “I got this” face and keep your fear inside, but it’s when you let down your guard and let people in that the real magic happens.
This book is great if…You want to become infuse more authenticity into your business.

In the immortal words of Bob Dylan, the times they are a-changin’. And nowhere is that more true than in the business world. The old path to success—go to college, get a stable job, stay there for 50 years and retire—just doesn’t work anymore. Students are taking out small fortunes worth of student loans. People are underemployed and underpaid. Job security is a thing of the past.
This might seem like a bad thing, but if you’re an entrepreneur looking to start a business? It’s actually a good thing. In Choose Yourself, angel investor and entrepreneur James Altucher has one message: in a business world where nothing is stable, you’ve got nothing to lose by choosing yourself.
In this quick but powerful read, Altucher offers a new model for success: one that focuses on both internal (like happiness and personal fulfillment) and external (wealth and satisfying work) success. Choose Yourself is essentially a blueprint for building a successful business your way without compromising who you are, what you want, and what’s important to you.
This book is great if…You want to build a business that’s just as personally fulfilling as it is financially lucrative.

No matter what business you’re in, a big part of that business is going to be dealing with people. And if you want your business to succeed, you need people to like you. Which is why you need to read How To Win Friends and Influence People. This book is a classic for a reason. In this read, Dale Carnegie, one of the most respected business writers of all time, shows you how to make people—your team, your colleagues, and your customers—feel important and valued and how to get people on your side (and agreeing with your opinions) without offending them or inspiring resentment. These communication nuances are key to connection and the key to getting people to want to do business with you.
You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. – Dale Carnegie
This book is definitely not the newest on the list, but it’s a classic for a reason. Carnegie’s insight into human nature and communication styles is just as true today as it was when he wrote it over 80 years ago.
This book is great if…You want to transform yourself into a people-influencing ninja that everyone and their mom can’t help but like.

Have you ever had a great idea for a business, a product or a project, but didn’t move forward because you were afraid it wouldn’t work out? And then kicked yourself when you saw someone else pull off that same idea?
In Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, author Elizabeth Gilbert talks about the nature of creativity and how fear kills the creative process. Gilbert, who knows a thing or two about creativity (she penned the international bestseller Eat, Pray, Love), talks about her own struggles with creativity and moving past fear and gives you tips on how to harness inspiration, fight fear and move forward with your ideas.
Keep in mind, this book might be a little too “new age-y” for some entrepreneurs taste, but if you can look past the woo-woo language, you’ll find some incredible insights into harnessing your creativity.
This book is great if…You need a little creative inspiration to get your business off the ground.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a board of advisors that was made up of some of the richest, most successful people in the world to offer you advice and guidance as you built your new business?
Of course it would. And while that’s probably not a possibility (and if it is, you need to let us in on your secrets), Tools of Titans is the next best thing.
In this book, Tim Ferriss (author of the entrepreneur’s bible, The Four Hour Workweek) has assembled some of the best wisdom he’s gathered in his two-plus years of hosting “The Tim Ferriss Show” podcast, where he interviews billionaires, icons and world-class performers.
This book is great if…You want to know how the most successful people in the world got that way and how you can get there, too.

A lot of people have messed up ideas about money: it’s bad, it’s too hard to make enough money, it causes problems, wanting money makes you selfish. But these negative attitudes about money will hold you back from building a successful business and building the kind of wealth you want and deserve. If you want to be successful, you need to let go of those negative attitudes and replace them with something more empowering.
Enter You Are A Badass At Making Money: Master The Mindset of Wealth. “What comes out of your mouth comes into your life.” – Jen Sincero
In this book, author Jen Sincero (who also wrote You Are A Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live An Awesome Life) takes readers through her own money struggles and how her negative money beliefs kept her in debt without much success. It wasn’t until she was able to shift her money mindset that her business and finances took off.
Sincero takes you through multiple exercises to help you identify your beliefs about money, let them go and replace them with the kind of beliefs that are going to bring in the big bucks.
This book is great if…You’re ready to stop eating Ramen Noodles every night and start making some serious cash with your business.

One of the many hats you wear as an entrepreneur—and maybe the most important—is your salesperson hat.
When you’re starting a business, there are a million-and-one things you need to sell: your idea, your branding, your products, your mission. And if you don’t know how to sell, your business will fail.
In To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, celebrated author and motivation expert Daniel Pink shares a modern-day guidebook for successfully selling people on just about anything, without becoming a “slimy salesperson.”
This book is great if…You know you have a great idea/business/product, but you’re not sure how to sell people on it.

No matter who you are, what you do, or what kind of business you start, there are going to be obstacles in the way. And when faced with obstacles, you have one of two choices: you either give up and let it stop you, or you face it head on and transform it into a triumph.
In The Obstacle Is The Way, bestselling author and business expert Ryan Holiday explores how stoicism (the ancient Greek philosophy of facing adversity and challenges with resilience) has helped some of the most successful figures in history overcome obstacles and use adversity and launch them to higher levels of success.
This book is great if…You’re going through a rough time in starting your business and need a little inspiration (or stoicism) to keep on going.

If you’ve been dragging your feet on starting your business because you think you don’t have enough money, it’s time to start moving. It turns out, you don’t need that much money to get a business off the ground.
“Business succeeds only when it provides real value to clients” – Chris Guillebeau
In The $100 Dollar Startup author and entrepreneur Chris Guillebeau shares over 50 case studies of individuals who built successful businesses with minimal capital many with $100 or less. He breaks down how each business was able to make things work on such a small investment and how you can do the same, no matter what the current balance of your bank account.
This book is great if…You want to learn how to make big things happen on a not-so-big budget.
With these 10 books for entrepreneurs, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to get out there and build a successful business. So what are you waiting for? Grab your library card, get out there, and start reading!
What did we miss? Let us know your favorite book for entrepreneurs in the comments below!
The author  Deanna deBara
Deanna deBara is a freelance writer at 99designs. When she's not furiously typing away at her laptop and geeking out on all things design related, you'll likely find her geeking out on all things Harry Potter, finding her Zen through meditation or training for her next ill-advised athletic endeavor.

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